Tuning and Repair
Some of the repairs I do on pianos include the following: remove the action in either a grand or upright to clean, rebush a key or a set of keys, replace worn out ivory key tops with new white key tops, replace one string or restring a piano, adjust a damper felt or replace a set of dampers, replace old plastic parts found in spinets like old elbows and damper flanges, with either new modern plastic parts or wooden parts, replace felts under the keys, fine level a set of keys, repin a tight center pin on a flange or rebush a flange as needed, change a set of hammer butt flanges like on a Yamaha console and replace a jack, hammer, or damper spring. There are many more repairs that can be done on a piano, but this just names a few.

Many of these small repairs can be done in the piano at the same time as a regular tuning. Sometimes a piano may require a major repair such as action rebuilding, or refurbishing, key rebushing or key top replacement, or even a major rebuild on the piano. In each of these instances I will have to take the action, keys and/or the piano to my shop to do the work first then return it to your home.

Cost will vary according to labor and time spent on the work of the piano, parts that need to be replaced, and moving expenses if the piano needs to be brought into the shop. A thorough discussion of cost is made before any repairs are done.

If you have any further questions please feel free to give me a call at 540.898.3611 or email me at jazztrumpet57@verizon.net